Wednesday, June 3, 2009

pharmaceutical irresponsibility - Again.

Boniva and Fosomax - bad stuff says my dentist. Thank God I don't take it but my dentist warned me that either of these drugs will make oral surgery almost impossible - apparantly these drugs will prevent healing. You'll never heal from oral surgery if you take these drugs. Why does this country allow such irresponsibility? All for the almighty dollar? Pharmaceutical corporations had it made when they were issuing hormones to every menopausal woman in the world. Never mind that the drug was never properly tested. Never mind that they knew the drug caused cancer - hooray. . . pharmaceutical companies can make even more money treating women's cancers!! Isn't it obvious why so much emphasis is placed on cancer treatment - and not finding the cause???? Way too much money made to stop treating cancer. We should be outraged. I'm outraged.Is anybody out there listening???

1 comment:

The Social Frog said...

WOW, I did not know this at all. I have dental issues as it is. I'm only 30 but I need to think about my bones starting now and what a shame we are not told the truths about these so called "wonderful" drugs. Thanks for sharing :)